How to Say “No” and NOT Shut Down Future Opportunities

Climbing that corporate ladder requires saying “yes” to many of the opportunities that come your way. How else are you going to prove your abilities and gain recognition for a job well done?

But there comes a time when the opportunity does not teach you anything new and may sabotage your success on other, more critical projects. Do not find yourself in a project post mortem meeting where the results were disappointing because you did not know how or when to say “NO.”

  1. Take the time to decide
    When you are first asked to take on a new project, do not answer right away. Take the time to consider it carefully. You need to think through who is asking, the key stakeholders, the odds for success, your current workload and how it fits in with your other project priorities and career aspirations. Most of all, select only those that you know you can handle well.
  1. Say “NO” and move on
    You will feel a certain amount of ambivalence. If you are ambitious, it is hard to turn down an opportunity. But you need to keep your eye on the bigger picture. Say “no” gracefully but firmly. Explain your reasons. Keep the door open for the next project opportunity. And move on…emotionally and professionally.
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